

  • 广告费 Advertising;
  • 坏帐损失 Bad debts;
  • 执照费、会员费 licences, dues, memberships;
  • 运输、邮寄费 Delivery, freight, and express;
  • 汽车之外的油费 Fuel costs(except for motor vehicles);
  • 火险、防盗险、责任险 Insurance(fire, theft, liability);
  • 维修费 Maintenance and repairs;
  • 管理费 Management and administration fees;
  • 餐饮、娱乐费 Meal & entertainment;
  • 汽车费用 Motor vehicle expenses;
  • 办公室费用 Office expenses;
  • 办公消耗品 Supplies;
  • 律师费、会计费用等 Legal, accounting, and other professional fees;
  • 地税 Property taxes;
  • 房租 Rent;
  • 工资及福利 Salaries, wages, and benefits;
  • 差旅费 Travel;
  • 电话及水电气 Telephone & utilities。